Wanting to raise funds to revitalise reading in school, but not sure what to aim for? We've created a list of book packs and selections, furniture necessities, and library design which you can use to inspire your literacy fundraising campaign.

Prices are subject to change.

Diverse and Inclusive Primary Selection

Target: £250.00

Raise funds for approximately 50 recommended fiction and non-fiction titles selected by our expert team, based on our Diverse and Inclusive EYFS, KS1 and KS2 packs which cover neurodiversity and physical disability; family life, relationships, society and culture; authors and characters of colour; and history and biographies of people of colour.

Diverse and Inclusive Secondary Selection

Target: £250.00

Raise funds for approximately 50 recommended fiction and non-fiction titles selected by our expert team, based on our Diverse and Inclusive KS3 and KS4 packs which cover neurodiversity and physical disability, LGBTQ+, authors and characters of colour, and history and biographies of people of colour.

BooksForTopics Year Group Recommended Reads

Target: £400.00

Raise funds to purchase the official BooksForTopics Year Group Recommended Reads pack, made up of 50 titles picked by BooksForTopics panel of children’s book experts, teachers and librarians. Choose a pack for Preschool, Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, or Year 6.

100 Books To Read Before Leaving Primary

Target: £660.00

Fundraise to purchase approximately 100 books your pupils should read before they leave primary school! This fiction and non-fiction collection is selected by our team of qualified teachers and librarians and updated often with loved classics and exciting new titles.

100 Books To Read Before Leaving Secondary

Target: £670.00

Fundraise to purchase approximately 100 books your students should read before they leave secondary school. This collection is selected by our team of qualified teachers and librarians, and includes an exciting mix of novels, poetry and graphic novels - so there is something for everyone to read before they turn 18!

1 year book subscription

Target: £750.00

Raise funds towards a reading for pleasure book subscription membership for 1 year. By subscribing for 1 year, you'll receive a mix of new and exciting fiction and non-fiction at the start of each term. Choose between a whole school primary, Early Years, Key Stage 1 or Key Stage 2 package for primary, or a Key Stage 3 package for secondary.

Reading Corner

Target: £2,500.00

Raise funds for a brand new reading corner designed and installed by us. The reading corner will be bespoke to your school's needs and we will work with you every step of the way, from fundraising to installation.

A Magical New Library

Target: £10,000.00

Raise funds to create a magical library, a place every child wants to be and a space that helps instill a passion for reading in all its forms.