March 13th 2020

Case study - Heronswood Primary School

Why did you want to raise money for books?

Our children love reading, but they have started to run out of new books to read.  We therefore want to increase the number of books we have available for our children to access in their reading corners. 

We have a great PTA at Heronswood Primary and they organise lots of events, but we always have so many projects we want to spend money on. When we heard about Support your school we knew it would be perfect for Heronswood as it gave everyone a chance to make a contribution to a worthwhile cause.

Our school is a larger than average-sized primary school but due to increasingly diminishing budgets, we do not have the finance needed to update our book corners.  We have already purchased a large number of books for individual readers and also for guided reading, but there is simply no money left for new fiction books.

We wanted to make our reading corners more exciting and engaging.  A place to read books for pleasure, accessing high quality, modern up to date fiction by popular current authors.

Why choose Support your school?

To achieve our vision, we needed the support of our local school community. We could have asked parents and carers to each buy a book for school but this potentially could result in lots of duplicated books. So, we decided to use Support your school through Peters as it was FREE and SO EASY to set up and use. They could also help us write out campaign as they have a dedicated Project Manager who is there to help.

How did you reach your target?

We created a donation page on Support your school where parents and carers were able to donate as much as they could afford. They could do this anonymously or they could add their name and a message.

We sent out a link by email to all of our families and we also created a Facebook Post.  We had also been advised by Support your school to post regular updates on the campaign page thanking parents.  We also used our school Facebook page to add regular updates.

We shared the thermometer with our children in assemblies and looked at how quickly it rouse towards our target of £1000.

What did you raise?

In 2 months we have almost raised our target of £1000, but we kept the campaign going and parents are still donating!

How did this benefit the School?

Although we are still raising money, we have already started to purchase new books.  The children are so excited when they receive a new bundle of books for their reading corners. 

What next?

Our campaign is still live and we are continuing to raise more money.  The staff have already made wish lists with their classes, so as soon as we raise more money we will put our next order in.

Would you recommend Support your school?

Yes we would!  It has been such a simple and straight forward way to raise money.  We would definitely recommend Support your school to any school.

Heronswood Primary School and Pre-School